Tessa Fowler flaunts her magnificent chest in front of the window, lounging around wearing just her panties. She sure has a magnificent pair of natural boobs so big and round just about the perfect shape and size …

Tessa day-dreams sitting on the window thinking. Maybe she is thinking how she can go bigger because a GG cup was the standard size but now a J or a K cup is the size making money.
Her areoles are her greatest asset. There is great definition between them and her breast flesh. They are mid-range size with a great pink colour. The size of the areole has a negative and a positive in that all areoles have the same number of nerve endings no matter the size. So large areoles are very eye appealing but the larger they are, means the nerves have more space between them so the nipples may not be as sensitive, or they are harder to get excited. Smaller areoles are not that appealing to the eye but they are easier to get excited and as the nerves are packed together in a smaller space.
In the mid-size, if Tessa’s boobs increased in size her areoles still would be large against the larger size boob. Big boobs are erotic and sexual to the viewer because of the sheer size such as with Leanne Crow. To the model, the bigger the boob size, the more emotional investment she has in them so she as a person sees herself as more sexual and desirable and her boobs actually become her sexual stimulants because her emotionalism is invested in them. Her mind concentrates more on the nipples and areoles as that part becomes more pleasurable. Therefore the areoles are stimulated more and the nipples become larger and sensitive as well. The breast contains three distinct parts. The breast, is really only a container and contains fat and fat is 91 percent the weight of water and therefore in a swimming pool breasts float because the fat is lighter than water. The nipples and the areoles is the electrical system of the breasts as they contain nerves and nerve endings, 200 to 300 in each nipple/areole and when touched the nerves connect themselves to the brain with electrons zapping back and forth.
The third system is the blood supply that feeds the breasts, the fat and the nerves. The blood contains the hormones and the oxygen that they all need to expand and grow.The better the blood supply the better the sensitivity of the nerves in the nipple/Areole and greater and better the fat will keep the breast from sagging and full and expanded, and sensuous.
The nipples and the areoles being part of the nervous system are connenced by that system to the brain. So there is a direct path to the brain and back again by the electrical neurons. And it has been said many times “We are what we think”.
So if Tessa thinks about getting harder, longer nipples, will they grow harder and longer?
There is no reason why they shouldn’t.
One exercise to try is to take a piece of string and place it over one nipple (small weights can be used) to the next nipple, and then walk around the room trying to keep the string balanced on the nipples.
That balancing act from the brain trains the nipples to make the nipples harder so the string won’t pall off, and therefore training the nipples to be harder and bigger. You are putting the thoughts of the mind into your nipples as the brain is telling the nipples not to let the string fall off, thereby making the nipples more rigid. Talk to your nipples and tell them to harden and to balance the string. They will say “Ok?”
And we all want hard nipples like pen nibs pencils don’t we?
Have you considered professional help at all? Seriously, it’s getting more obvious that dementia is taking over.
I agree that “she” could use professional help. After being mildly amused by Margaret’s ramblings for a couple of days, I am now just plain bored with “her”. But what can you do? I’m just going to focus on enjoying the photos and videos of the lovely ladies on this site.
Margaret needs my 8 inch stiff cock stuffed in her . That’s all.
You might want to rethink that. There’s a reason I put quotes around the female pronouns! :-)
Yeah, but i think you were wrong about the middle aged part. Middle aged anyone would have a better grasp ( no pun ) on the female anatomy. Oh, yeah, BTW; Tessa ( probly SHOULD at least comment on HER ) is once again the BEST on the web, bar none, who needs to change NOTHING!! “Margaret” on the other hand, is once again an idiot.
Thanks for the physiology lecture. How about a cross section diagram next time? I too think you have lost it! In the meantime Tessa has them all licked. Hey Tessa, it’s time to lose the panties……oh I forgot – it’s Pin Up – never going to happen!!!!
Tessa should have a Fleshlight named for her.
The boobs are too good. But Tessa is just too short in height as a model/poser. If only she was 3” taller …..
I think ‘Margret’ has read all our previous comments and is now taking the piss. Oh and Tessa I would marry her :D
Bad news boys. The disease has spread. That’s right, the supreme dipshit has started it’s bullshit on another site too. Yep, posting advice on galleries that are old news, just KNOWING that the models are anxiously waiting to read every word so they can improve their careers. What an asshole.
Where? Let’s troll her there as well! :-)
“HER”? It’s actually kinda funny (NOT!) ; a copy & paste thing. Same exact B.S. as here, ranting about R.A. & L.C.’s nipples. I figure the regulars over there deserve a little fun. Shouldn’t take ’em too long to tee off on it.
TF is probably the biggest current fraud among big boobs world.
Her breasts have had surgery, but it seems no one is able to understand that fact.
Women’s breasts can grow through years, aye, but not that much !and she’s very thin by the way !
Search for “Amera Kabar and Tessa Fowler”, pictures back some years ago, to see by yourself.
Many models are like her, anyway: they have good original boobs, but enhance them and come to show “big natural ones” to all the blind fans.
An 8 year old pic on Flikr. Of Tessa in a bikini. That’s your evidence. Good luck with that.
Her boobs are at least 4 times bigger.
I’ve seen women having boobs that grow up, but so much, damn… And usually, when boobs grow up, the girl takes some weight as well. TF is thinner than ever.
At least, she sells some dream to credulous people. And she’s not the only one.
4x? A little exaggeration i think. You’re basing your theory on basically 1 old snapshot. You need much more proof to make your case.
Still love jerking off to these big tits . Best tits to fantasize and blast off to.
This seems to be the site of idiots.
That why you spend so much time here?
I often sit and think.. about getting some nice big implants., H cups would be perfect size. not too many tgirls have huge breasts. My figure would be fantastic with big breasts. 38dd cups are nice but I definitely want bigger.
Milky Suzanne
Why Hello my dear Margaret ! What wrong with Masturbating to a pair of beautiful Breasts. ?
Why Hello my dear Margaret ! Whats wrong with Masturbating to a pair of beautiful Breasts. ?
How are you Breast Margaret ? I would love for you to tell me about them. They nice and big ? I bet their Soft and Delicious.
I think “Margaret” might just have beer boobs. Maybe a hairy back too.
Yipes! That’s a picture we really didn’t need. Proably right though. Eeeeewwwwww……..
Hey there Milky Suzanne that sounds terrific ! I would love to see your tits babe !
Sean, when I get my H cup boobs– I’d love to meet with you..
Milky Suzanne
What a lot of noise.
Let’s just enjoy the magnificent Tessa. Here pictured without tarty make up, without any cosplay gear, without the over-used oil, keeping the girly grin at bay and just being the sexiest I’ve seen of her. Fantastic.
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