Jaw-dropping big tits sensation Addisson is back and today she wants to be a blonde, so she puts on a blonde wig and gets naked – check her out …
Jaw-dropping big tits sensation Addisson is back and today she wants to be a blonde, so she puts on a blonde wig and gets naked – check her out …
Great body still looks like a boy :/
Her silhouette is insane. That lovely soft shape of her boobs, like drops of molten glass, seriously makes me doubt the sanity of any guy who prefers those rock-hard, awkwardly shaped balls of plastic which so many bitches get glued on their chests.
By the way, anyone’s ever mentioned her cup size?
I hope they don’t burn her out and make her quit
Could they at least put some make up on her?
Tits and body are 120% perfect, if only the head could be replaced…*sigh*